SpaceX 2nd Starship 2 launch. Same size as Moonbase Lappträsk!
Hi! Here is a restart of blogs and shorts and this time no progress report as such, but with the second starship test flight rapidly...
SpaceX 2nd Starship 2 launch. Same size as Moonbase Lappträsk!
Greenhouse 1: Hydroponics started - I think it is LFT
Stairs in urgent need of repairs.
Windows 1
Boiler room, 0
Happy Moon Year!
Moonbase Christmas!
School house 0
Greenhouse zero - with a very tiny lemon tree
Winter is here!
Laundry room, update 1
Gathering Hall, update 0
Mine, update 0. (before start)
First weekly moonbase short
NASA finds comfy spots discovered by NAXA in 2009. Something is happening on moon colonisation!
Lunar Development Conference, LDC2022, first day
First landing at the moonbase