What are we about?
Humans in space - to stay!
Self-sustainability – surviving without an Earth-scale production is a stepping stone
Humans on Earth – sustainably!
Makerspace – we cannot build everything yet and you are welcome to change that
Extreme prepping – if we can survive on the Moon, surviving another ice age is easy
Who are we ?
Moonbase Lappträsk, founded in 2022 with the acquisition of the Lappträsk old school, is driven by a bold vision - to enable human colonization of the Moon. Our primary objective is to create validator processes that seamlessly connect all aspects of life on the Moon. By leveraging locally available resources and energy, we are determined to establish self-sustaining human settlements on our celestial neighbor.
What are we not?
Space is beautiful, look at it!
Space IS beautiful, others do look
Space is exciting, send robots to explore!
Good intel, others work on that
Humanity is under threat, we need weapons!
Space is dangerous, please no!
We need to go to space, build rockets!
Very true, others do that as well